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Born in 1981 in Rio de Janeiro, city where he lives and works, Bruno Miguel graduated from the UFRJ School of Fine Arts with a degree in Visual Arts, with special attention on painting. Furthermore, as complementary studies, he attended several courses at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage through the "Aprofundamento" program and, since then, he has taught at the same School. Since 2007, he has participated in individual and group exhibitions in Brazil and in countries such as the USA, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina and Chile. In addition to being invited to several international residencies, his works is part of important institutional and private collections, in Brazil and abroad. He was also the curator of individual and group exhibitions in London, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

When investigating the complexity of objects on an everyday scale, Bruno Miguel's research work always finds in domesticity the necessary means for the construction of image. Whether through criticism of consumption as a structural element and founder of socio-political dynamics via collage, or in the three-dimensionalization of pictorial practice in approximation with Rosalind Kraus's expanded field of the arts, Bruno's work frequently appropriates common, ordinary and recognizable objects as support or even as a basis, parameter and form for composition. In his work, human relationships resonate in their greatest intimacy - the private environments and the objects that composes them are clear testimonies of particular conflicts and concrete means of his identity construction.




"(...) His works were usefully removed from the condition of illusion created by his exquisite craftsmanship. The simulation of work instruments, which only exist thanks to Marcelo's creation and action on material, challenges us to decode the meaning of these instruments whose specific function is impossible to define precisely, as their supposed functionality has been subverted. (...)"

Fernando Cocchiarale


"(...) As they are not articulated through the productive logic of a technical mechanism, their folds simultaneously reveal the metaphorical meaning of the tools and means used by the artist. Not by being a representation of reality, but a tensioning of it, as it is poetically articulated, his works establish analogies with the conditions of power expressed by the tension between the materials with which they are made. (...)"

Fernando Cocchiarale



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