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Text: Xico Chaves
September 24th, 2024 - October 19th, 2024

Xico Chaves

another painting

august, 2024


..another painting, another object, another color, another base for expression, ultra painting, another matter, cosmic matter. Time reduced to the infinite optical space, sensory, ethereal canvas, object as non-color, artificial color, natural color, absolute color, immersive color, magnetized color of all colors, invisible color to the retina, ultra-visible color, painting of invention and beyond the frame, the noise of silence, the multiple poetic nature of abstract painting, concrete, figurative, multivisual, epidermic eternal landscape, inter-cosmic flight, multidirectional chromaticity, leap into the concrete mineral abyss of real and imaginary color, absolute colorist flow, multiple in the refraction of light, diffraction and reflection on material color, on its immateriality, inclusive color, hidden, hermetic, and extensive, alchemical of infinite ray, without center, color of all simultaneous and multiplied colors in the dive of the object-painting, silent sonority of chromatic inertia, illusion contained in transmateriality, cosmic magnetic convergence and permanent universal color immersed forever in the eternal light of dark matter, constructive mortar and deconstructive of the origins of ungraspable color.


“cromocosmo, physical color in the diffraction and reflection of light. optical biok chromaticism, natural holography. geo-optics. raw ore. penetrable univefrso. micro-mirrors in coal. specularitas. colors in black. onyx. chromatic magnetism. pure iron. micrometeorites. cosmic epidermis. incidental constellations. planetary soils. geo-quasars. Points of color in remote reflection. imagery explosion as it approaches the retina. intersection of infinities.” (1986)


Color anticor not color color of color the invisible color to give incor by air the color of acôr to give object cordel sudden color awaken in color, color action agreement permanent color and temporary color time and color of the time of temperas color reo graphic geocor be color turning the color of coloring color laugh of the choir of voices choir of strings colored upon waking in color action with chords of colorations and chromatism color cro ma love color of passion macro color and micro color in translucent object of color over color of transparency and body of colors cups of earth pigments coloring ground and sky and water color of stone coloring see melha see for real flash of fire in the ultra blue sea on the gray skin in the leaf see the dark green color the cure by the non-existent red color try the flexible color rainbow of color and light of refracted color the color in the mirror the blue face of the cloud of white dust faded color satin watercolor color of sunset and rays of color in the prism waking the gaze the fixed color and the color that flies color of mud color of the chord waking with light in the retina and the color give in the light of day the color of night and stars in the hollow of the night only home there is color in everything that moves moves and awakens in us a chord and a sense of salt and color chrome chromosomes as we are colors awakened over colors of somatic cords in abstract colors colorations of iron mines and quartz blooming at the surface of oxides and micas and hematites colored by magnets of filings and rust of saffron color of light greens and browns of manganese mountains of intense black color and fine silica sands in the bleached air impregnated with dust of iron mirrors pulverized over purple colored dunes by the roadside and smooth stones of indecipherable color at the bottom of streams and in the raw cotton clothes of iron men of ancient rocks turning to neutral color dust and unknown color-object matte colors gray and white over white over white over white over the immense black of the prospects within the universe the color of dark matter.


poem object

august, 2024

Object poem and object yes, no object, object no, everything is object. Goal never achieved, the non-existent object to be a non-object. To be beyond itself, the infinite object where creation dwells and undwells, where it is object-painting, sculpture-object, performance-object, object-intervention, simply object in motion, anti-object, psychic, mystical, esoteric, object flies, flies non-objectively and falls like a never-ending poem in the landscape poem, object-horizon, sky and stone anti-poem in the image with the sun to the wind, object center of absolute freedom of expression, non-object without control, non-imposing object, desobject poem against the dictatorships of inflexibility, against definitive affirmation, manifest in favor of the infinite object forever, therefore bearer of the manifest open to all breaths of creation and invention as pleasure and consciousness of its revolutionary role, creator of autonomies and individual and collective independence.

Sounding object on a shiny blade, sound object UFO cosmic space of the open poem in the galaxies of the heart-object. Poem of images without words, words without images, poetry is one thing, the poem is another where the non-object fits, the yes-object and the no-object fit, a jaguar on a glass blade, a crystal of salt in water, hidden like an Amazonian myth in Manaus pottery, in the eyes of a tapir, like poromina-minare it can be all but god, but god-object can. It can be a sacred tree, an object poem in the shade of a giant sumaúma. A poem is greater than poetry for not being just word upon word, in the visual poem where word is one more object, an object, yes.

Between the word-object and the image there is no borderline that semiotics with its artificial intelligence can decode or translate. An image does not speak for a thousand words, and the reverse is also plausible. None of this is defined by words or images. The imagic poem has no limits. The poem-object and the object-poem are more than inter-signs. They are also what associates, what for the artist-poet is a vice: to scour a galaxy of debris to find meaning in continuing their craft. The work is constructed with the title. The title is configured when the image makes it explicit. The hidden code is rescued in the eclipse, where the image expressed is excited by the word. In the poem where the structure exercises, the constructive form articulates. In the spontaneous poem of improvisation, the unexpected is psychographed. The obvious is decomposed when the rupture frees itself from the offense. Sonnet-concrete-process-object-painting-object-video-almost-cinema performance-digit-virtual-visible-invisible, the word-image is just one of the vehicles of the poem (text, fragment, figure, gesture, sound, dust or volatile color, paint, chromatic invisibility, macro and micropainting, etc. and all the rest). In the borderline languages, almost-cinema, almost-painting, almost-theater coexist. There is no almost-poem. The poem tunes and challenges the melody, transgresses and reconstructs the deconstruction of itself and allies with poetry where the gaze is amnestied. In its orbit, it does not align with a single destiny. It arises from a point in the empty landscape and nestles in the very form that gave it origin. In all its absolute freedom, what is said by what is not said remains, where the final point is not a limit, nor does it exist.

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